What a year! I reflect back 9 months ago to when I made the decision to start my own business and how exciting it was. I've covered a lot of ground in unknown territory since then and sometimes think I can't hold another thing in my brain! But, a new day brings renewed energy and I'm ready to tackle anything.
I think many of us feel this way in a year that has brought so many challenges. Covid, isolation, working from home, worries about getting sick... I'm happy to see 2020 come to an end, but am also thankful for having the opportunity, because of all this, to have the time to challenge myself and venture into a much loved creative outlet.
It's hard to believe Christmas is around the corner. I have mixed feelings as it approaches. No family visits or get togethers makes me sad. The only way to move forward is to accept, be mindful and be thankful. I'm working on that!
That being said, I want to thank you all for your business, your support, words of encouragement, patience listening to my often endless rambling about some new recipe or something I learned about making soap. I could not have done it without you.
I wish everyone of you feelings of peace and happiness during whatever holiday you celebrate this season.
Welcome 2021!